Company name on VAT Registration: | CARECO EUROPE LIMITED |
VAT number: | GB 311534935 |
VAT ID: | 311-534-935 |
Jurisdiction of VAT number: | United Kindom (UK) |
Issuing Authority of VAT number: | HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs) |
VAT status: | Valid VAT Number |
Address on VAT Registration: | HUBERT ROAD, BRENTWOOD, ESSEX, , CM14 4JE |
Period when VAT number issued: | Issued after November 2009 |
Estimated date VAT number issued: | December 2018 |
Last checked by us: | 2024-10-28 |
CARECO EUROPE's VAT Number is GB311534935
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Legal name of company: | MOBILITAS GROUP LIMITED |
Company Registration Number: | 10681685 |
Company Status: | Active |
Country of origin: | United Kingdom |
Jurisdiction Authority: | Companies House |
Incorporation date: | 2017-03-21 |
Company/Entity type: | Private Limited Company |
Industry SIC Codes: | 64209 - Activities of other holding companies n.e.c. |
Registered office address: | 1 TURING COURT GREAT NOTLEY BRAINTREE ESSEX CM77 7AT |
Previous legal names of company: | CARECO EUROPE LIMITED changed on 31/05/2023 |
More information on MOBILITAS GROUP LIMITED >>
CARECO (UK) LIMITED | GB947924182 |
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Director relationship are where a current director of is either a current or resigned director of a company above
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