Company name on VAT Registration: | CLS GROUP SERVICES LIMITED |
VAT number: | GB 235146915 |
VAT ID: | 235-146-915 |
Jurisdiction of VAT number: | United Kindom (UK) |
Issuing Authority of VAT number: | HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs) |
VAT status: | Valid VAT Number |
Address on VAT Registration: | 26 KINGS HILL AVENUE, KINGS HILL, KENT, , ME19 4AE |
Period when VAT number issued: | Issued after November 2009 |
Estimated date VAT number issued: | October 2015 |
Last checked by us: | 2024-11-22 |
CLS GROUP SERVICES's VAT Number is GB235146915
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2017-11-22 | Change of address detected on VAT registration from 40 CHURCHILL SQUARE KINGS HILL WEST MALLING KENT ME19 4YU to 17 KINGS HILL AVENUE KINGS HILL WEST MALLING KENT ME19 4UA. Previous address last seen 2017-10-06 |
2024-09-21 | Change of address detected on VAT registration from 17 KINGS HILL AVENUE KINGS HILL WEST MALLING KENT ME19 4UA to 26 KINGS HILL AVENUE, KINGS HILL, KENT, , ME19 4AE. Previous address last seen 2023-09-18 03:00:28 |
Legal name of company: | CLS GROUP SERVICES LIMITED |
Company Registration Number: | 07054613 |
Company Status: | Active |
Country of origin: | United Kingdom |
Jurisdiction Authority: | Companies House |
Incorporation date: | 2009-10-23 |
Company/Entity type: | Private Limited Company |
Industry SIC Codes: | 82990 - Other business support service activities n.e.c. |
Registered office address: | 85 GREAT PORTLAND STREET LONDON W1W 7LT |
Previous legal names of company: | CLS TITLE SOLUTIONS LIMITED changed on 08/02/2016 |
More information on CLS GROUP SERVICES LIMITED >>
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CLS PROPERTY INSIGHT LIMITED | GB230831831 | JEAN-CLAUDE PIERRE DOMAINGUE - common director relationship |
COPSO LTD | GB128993272 | MATTHEW SNOWDON LE BRETON - common director relationship |
CLS PROPERTY INSIGHT LIMITED | GB230831831 | MATTHEW SNOWDON LE BRETON - common director relationship |
CLS DATA LIMITED | GB269864342 | MATTHEW SNOWDON LE BRETON - common director relationship |
WHEN FRESH LTD | GB143174040 | MATTHEW SNOWDON LE BRETON - common director relationship |
CLS PROPERTY INSIGHT LIMITED | GB230831831 | THOMAS MEREDITH PLEWS - common director relationship |
CLS DATA LIMITED | GB269864342 | THOMAS MEREDITH PLEWS - common director relationship |
Director relationship are where a current director of is either a current or resigned director of a company above
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